Monday, October 8


Well it is Monday. Sorry I forgot to post on Friday after the game. The game went late and I didn't get home until like 11:45. We won!! But I was told by Courtney that I shouldn't always talk about football.

Well today, I found out I made OPUS! I am excited. One thing though, there is 8 tenors in the state of Iowa that have a chance of getting a solo in the concert.That means I am in the top 8 tenors in the state of Iowa. That's a honor, but not totally excited about possibly having a solo.

Not much else has been going on lately. We lost to OCCS last week in football, so that kinda sucked.

Will post on Friday-Saturday.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Thats awesome! I didn't know that you could sing.....weird....:P TTYL!

Anonymous said...

Oh he can sing!!!

Harmy said...

who said that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late.